Abstract and Paper Submission

Prospective authors of research contributions related to the mentioned topics and other fields of Cosmetic and Beauty, or Integrative Medicine are invited to submit abstracts or full papers (.doc) in English for consideration by 05 December 2024 via website CBIC-ICIM2025.MFU.AC.TH Please note that one registration can submit one or multiple abstracts full papers (additional fee required).

CBIC 2025 & ICIM 2025 has paper submission in 2 categories as follows:

  1. Proceedings of the conference
  2. Optional Journal: The authors can choose to submit the full manuscript to the following supporting journal after receiving the acceptance of abstract screening.

Please note that submission to the optional journal will be processed by the authors through the journal peer-review process. The final decision for acceptance depends on the journal's editorial board. It must be acknowledged that “Part of this work was presented in abstract at the Cosmetic and Beauty International Conference 2025 (CBIC 2025) and International Conference on Integrative Medicine 2025 (ICIM 2025)”.


Authors must designate their preferred mode of presentation on a registration form. For submission, the following formatting files (a file with authors and affiliation and a file without authors and affiliation) must be used; otherwise, they will be returned to the authors without review.

  • Abstract only (poster or oral presentation)
    • Formatting instruction for abstract (authors and affiliation) (.doc)
    • Formatting instruction for abstract (no authors and affiliation) (.doc)
  • Full paper (poster or oral presentation)
    • Formatting instruction for Full paper (authors and affiliation) (.doc)
    • Formatting instruction for Full paper (no authors and affiliation) (.doc)

Author guideline of journal https://he01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/jhealthscialternmed/about/submissions

Important Dates

Early Bird Registration 1 Aug – 31 Oct, 2024
Normal Registration 1 Nov – 20 Dec, 2024
Submission Deadline 5 Dec, 2025
Last Day for Notification of Acceptance 20 Dec 2024
Conference 16 -17 Jan 2025


Publication Ethics - Penalty against Plagiarism:

  • Contact for submission: submission.cbic-icim@mfu.ac.th
  • We firmly believe that ethical conduct is the most essential virtual of any academic. Hence any act of plagiarism is a totally unacceptable academic misconduct and cannot be tolerated.